Honda BF 40 outboard circa 2000

by Paul Douglas Maczek
(vernon, bc)

the engine just clicks when the start button is pushed, the leads to the battety are good and there is power to the bilge and livewell....

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Apr 22, 2023
Multiple impeller failures
by: Todd

I have a 2004 Honda 4 stroke 40hp outboard. Every year after I start my motor after the winter season the impeller comes apart, I have changed it multiple times myself but a few times I’ve had to put it in the shop due to the pieces getting into the water tube. I used the same method of preparing the motor for the "idle" season like the mechanic has told me to do but it came apart yesterday and it appears that it will have to be put back in the shop again. I was just wanting to see if this is an issue others have had or get some other advice on prepping it for the off season to help prevent this from happening every year. Thanks for any advice.

Oct 03, 2021
clicking at starter but good battery
by: Anonymous

Honda outboards have an alloy casing in place of the normal sump and the earth lead back to the battery is attached by one of these bolts. Can get corrosion under but can still run things like ignition but not items like starter motor or trim/tilt requiring high cca.

Jun 20, 2021

by: John

You need to check that battery terminals are clean and tight, the next is check and tighten the starter motor solenoid connections, they must be clean and tight. This is a typical symptom that main connections not making good contact

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