Honda BF 225 2004

by Kevin mcelroy
(Muscadine, Al)

Honda 225 motor on a 24 ft skeeter center console, engine rpm’s will not go past 3600 while under way. Throttle cable seems tight, very minimal “play” at the l bracket for the throttle linkage. We are going to raise the engine one bolt higher. Propeller is a 14.25 x 17 stainless prop. According to the conversations about dropping an inch to raise rpm’s by 500, we would have to go to a 10” prop, and I know that’s not right. Any help?

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Jun 09, 2023
225 response
by: Kevin

The motor has never turned 6k before, never even came close. It pushed the boat at 40, we checked the throttle cables and they opened as should I guess. After "openining" the throttle wide open, you could still turn the butterfly shaft maybe an 1/8" . We are going to raise the motor to the last hole we have available and then see what happens.

If that doesn’t change, what size prop would y’all recommend?

Jun 07, 2023
by: Anonymous

has the motor ever (with this prop) went 6000rpm's on a way?
1. if never did means it is overprop and needs to change it to less, keep in mind more you rise mor cavitation you gona get.
2. if it was running alright than not the prop fault but the motor

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