Furuno GPS

by Albert Smith

I have just purchased a 2nd hand Furuno GP-31 GPS for my yachts. I wish to know about grounding the unit. I have the power with 1amp inline fuse going to my connection block and the earth wire connected to all the other earths from sounder, interior light and navigation lights. Now there is a separate ground connection point on the GPS unit at the back. Do I run an earth wire from this to join my other earth wiresor do I ground it to the hull. The manual shows to ground to what looks like hull, picture only shows a wingnut/bolt/cross section of plate. The manual also says Caution! Ground the equipment to prevent mutual interference. and in the section for grounding it says. The signal ground and frame ground are separated, however the power line is not isolated. Therefore, do not connect the signal ground to the frame ground when connecting other equipment to a positive ground battery. Starting to get confused about which way to go? any help appreciated

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Aug 28, 2007
Furuno GPS Problems
by: John Payne

I used to have the same model myself and many yachts do, good units, simple, and easy to use. To answer the question I grounded mine to the hull, when I had it on metal boat. On a GRP one I had a common ground point for all the electronics and ran a larger cable down to the common ground point for battery negative. It is important to ground it though and a lot do not. You see this in my books. RE the instructions on a positive ground battery. This is often a warning however relates to arrangements (which I have never seen yet in 30 years on any yachts) where the positive is grounded and negatives are protected with fuses etc

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