Yamaha 115 tlry , two stroke , 2001

by David
(Venice fl)

Overheat alarm goes off randomly .
Boat runs like a champ 98% of time
No apparent reasons when out not every time but sometimes
Overheat goes off . motor retards self .
Once it starts doing it. It keeps doing it, limp home,
Take out again days later and run all day no problems.
Looked at by 4 mechanics,
Will not do it at shop in tub
Impeller , heads , poppit, head sensors , oil injector system , piss harder than race horse, everything mechanical that could cause overheat replaced , cleaned , checked
It is an electrical issue the million dollar question is where.
Its a older key west sportsman
There are no other electrical issues starts runs great
Overheat alarm is sole problem , and not always
And its not overheating
Why does this electrical problem not happen consistently or be able to be reproduced
Been chasing this problem over 2 yrs

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Feb 09, 2022
by: Terry Baughan

Good chance your cooling system passages are clogged up a little since its a older motor, i have a 1998 yamaha 90hp that when i run over 4200rpms the heat alarm goes off and puts me into safe mode but if a idle for a minute it will be fine as long as i get it under 4200. You can pull the head and clean it up but you risk the chance of breaking some head bolts

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