stalling 2000 115hp johnson

by Mike
(Pelican Rapids, MN)

This 2000 115 hp johnson starts great and takes off sweet...I can go top speed 5000 rpm about 40 mph as long as I wish. Once I stop though, it will stall and die when trying to go again. I finally accidentally discovered that by pushing the choke something will pop in (sounds like a dormant cyl or two 'kicking in' not a mechanic just what it sounds like) then it will take off again. If I stop the procedure will repeat. Trying to just cruise at low speed it will periodically bog down and then a push of the choke will kick it in again. Im told it may be leaking air somewhere and leaning out. But why can it run top speed. ideas please

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Dec 23, 2020
Spark Plug Issue
by: Anonymous

I have an older Johnson 115 outboard and the 'kicking in' makes me think it is the problem I had with my outboard. Generally happens once the motor was warm. Check the outside of your spark plugs for burn marks near the end of the boot. I believe the spark is jumping around/outside the spark plug. I used a wide rubber washer pressed over the spark plug to avoid the cylinders from missing. Most likely to happen on any cylinder that has had the coil replaced or a spark plug with high resistance. When a motor is running down a cylinder or two, the motor will run warmer.

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