Reverse Polarity Issue

by Daryl Rebeck
(Sechelt, British Columbia)

I am mechanically inclined but did one of the stupidest things in a very long time. I went to boost my battery and reversed the positive and negative by accident. My boat now wont start and none of the instruements, bilge, horn, etc will work. I have a 2000 19 foot regal with an inboard 4.2 litre merc Cruiser. Any ideas?

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Sep 21, 2011
Reversing Polarity
by: Anonymous

There are so many things that can go wrong when doing this. I did this to a car once.

Identify if spark issue or fuel or both

Check all fuses first!!!

first try starter solinoid if not turning over / jump out with a wrench if not.

if ok, check fuel at carb and what opens fuel line.

check spark at plugs

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