Johnson 115hp, TJ115TLEIE 1991

by Rolando
(Kansas City, MO)

Johnson 115hp, TJ115TLEIE 1991

The boat is new to me and I have been trying to get it running. The throttle does not start to engage until it’s halfway forward or half way in reverse. any ideas? Is this a throttle cable adjustment?

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Aug 12, 2023
Throttle Comtrol Lever
by: Anonymous

Thanks for the input anonymous. Next question would be: is it normal for the shift throttle control to move forward and to the rear half way before it engages the throttle arm? It does this in both directions when I have the shift control lever pulled out and only engaging the throttle.. I.e. when starting the motor to warm it up. The cables are on the appropriate attachment points as the shifter moves before the throttle when pulling up the control lever safety button and moving the shifter in forward and reverse.

Aug 12, 2023
throttle adjustment
by: Anonymous

yes, there is, on the motor

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