Honda 50 DK3LHTC 2015

by Dave
(Yellowknife, Canada)

Hit some wood debris early last month 1.5 hours out of town. Engine sounded different right away. Power dropped. Engine malfunction light and alarm came on 10 minutes later. Turned engine off. Restarted OK no alarm. Continued home. Up to 3/4 throttle OK. No acceleration after that. Power drops at full throttle. Got back and took it to be serviced. Engine hooked up to a computer. No codes showed. Was told there is no problem. Short ride seemed to be OK following weekend although loss of top end. Long trip last week. OK at 3/4 throttle for an hour then alarm came on again. Took it to another marina. Prop marked for possible slippage. Short ride yesterday. No slippage. Still no acceleration after 3/4 throttle. No alarm during 15 minute ride. Any suggestions would be welcome. Thanks.

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