2008 Honda 4 Stroke 30HP

by Craig Young

Hit a submerged object with props. A couple of tiny dings but nothing more. Less than a second. And I was only just running faster than idle.

Since then, the engine revs fine. However, the propulsion seems to be "slipping". Engine revs but vessel is limited to about 1 knot under load. Goes in and out of gear fine. All fluid levels are fine.

Appears to be some kind of limp mode.

I quickly tilted the engine and accelerated the throttle and the prop spins faster as expected....but not under load.

Thanks in advance


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Aug 14, 2023
hit object
by: Anonymous

check this,
stop the motor, put in gear (try forward and revers too), grab the prop and turn, can you actually turn the motor or it just slips? There are pins on shaft which brake to prevent a shaft damage but not sure if your model go it.

Aug 14, 2023
by: Craig Young

The prop has a rubber tube in the middle that has disintegrated. So the prop can’t create thrust as just slips. Ordered a new prop

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