by Brad
(Sherborn, MA)
After mounting an rigging on My 1991 Grady White Tournament had been sitting for a year after my Merc sucked up a baggie, I mounted and rigged this motor but had no throttle cable end at the engine. With muffs on and water running, it started and ran for 15-20 seconds before slowing down and stopping. I manually set the throttle open. Right after it started, I shut it off and backed off the throttle. It would not RE-start. Suspecting bad fuel (which I should have triple-checked, I drained some from the remote filter. It didn’t smell right. So I connected a remote tank with new treated 92 octane fuel. I Connected the external tank at the newly changed external fuel filter. But I am not able to squeeze and fill the primer bulb With gas.
Any thoughts on how to eliminate the bad gas from the three carbs and get this practically new motor running?