1993 Johnson 150 HP Jerks and won't get on plane.

by Chet
(Southside, Alabama)

Tonight coming back from fishing I was running 50 mph and almost back when my engine began to lost power and it began to jerk on me.
I stop and it runs great at ideal and if I stay under 3mph its ok. When I try to get back on plane the engine will jerk like something is misfiring. The man I purchase this boat from gave me extra power packs for the engine. Is this the problem? and if it is, how can I tell which one to replace?


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Jun 26, 2014
150 Evanrude losing power
by: Bruce

Unplug one coil from a spark plug when the motor is running if there is no change in engine performance then you have found the bad coil. Replace that bad coil.
If you unplug a coil from the spark plug and the motor runs even worse then that means that coil is good

Jun 19, 2014
150 hp jerks
by: Bruce

Here are some easy things to check that may cause you bad engine performance.
Spark plugs could be fouled just enough that a near no load condition like 3 miles an hour wouldn't cause any noticeable bad engine performance. Trying to get on plane will be demanding those plugs to burn more gas. If they are fouled just enough to where they can't burn the gas then you won't be able to get out of the whole.
There is a plastic sleeve inside of your prop that can slip underload. At 3 miles an hour there may be not enough load on that sleave to cause it to slip inside of the prop. A prop shop could tell you very easily if that is the problem.
Sometimes it's just something simple.

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